About Us

Sketchy Science was founded in June 2013 by head writer Steve Kux and chief illustrator Geoff Lee. We work hard to present a mix of general science, news, and special interest articles based on topics we stumble upon on our own and through reader recommendations.

Steve Kux is a writer and researcher living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University and is a master's candidate in Simon Fraser University's School of Resource and Environmental Management. Steve has conducted research for Parks Canada, the City of Vancouver, the Federation of Mountain Clubs of British Columbia. His writing has been featured on The Starfish environmental blog since 2011, the David Suzuki Foundation's Climate and Clean Energy Blog since 2015 and in numerous other health, environment and lifestyle corners of the internet. His writing focuses on science, nature, health, conservation, and outdoor recreation. 

Geoff Lee holds a master's of Applied Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo and a bachelor of Applied Science in Nanotechnology Engineering from the University of Waterloo. When not detecting the humps and bumps of atomic surfaces, he is a world traveler having explored the mountains of Peru, fallen in the Nile River, surfed along the Polynesian island chains, and lodged on the Swiss Alps. Geoff currently works as a Research Assistant for the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada developing MEMS based atomic force microscopy.