If, during their care-free oceanic existence, something comes along that
wants to make a meal out of them seastars don’t have a lot of options. They are
hardly built for speed and camouflage isn’t exactly in their wheelhouse.
However, if something does get a hold of them, they have the ability to detach
one of their limbs and hopefully escape with the other four. Over a period of a
few months or up to a year or so they can regenerate the lost limb. Not only
that, the limb they left behind (if it somehow managed to escape becoming
octopus food) can regrow the rest of it’s body and form a second, genetically
identical seastar.
Seastars are hardly alone in this ability. Earthworms, salamanders,
snail firs, some fish, and even the occasional mouse have been known to regrow
complete or partial limbs. Seastars often go one step further, though by
voluntarily detaching their own limbs to reproduce asexually when lady seastars
are not being especially receptive to their advances.
So what’s the deal? Why do all these other animals have this clearly
convenient ability while us humans are left twiddling our phantom thumbs? Well,
first off, we aren’t totally outside the club of regenerative species. Many
children have lost the tips of fingers or toes only to turn up at the doctor’s
office a few months later with everything back in place (minus fingerprints).
The interesting thing in each case where this happens is that when
the fingertip was cut off some of the nail bed was left intact; and it is this
fact that gives some insight into how regeneration works.
It seems that to regrow body parts, the bits that are left behind in the
wake of a serious injury need to know how to communicate. If you’ve ever tried
to explain to someone how to build something specific out of Lego without
actually doing the work yourself, you can begin to understand how challenging
communication can get in the world of construction. At the cellular level,
communication falls on the shoulders of stem cells left at the site of an
injury. Scientists have discovered two kinds of stem cells that do this work:
somatic stem cells and pluripotent stem cells. Unfortunately, in the world of
limb regeneration, not all stem cells are created equal.
Somatic stem cells can close a wound, regrow some skin, and fill in the
gaps with scar tissue but not a whole lot else. Pluripotent stem cells are the
real professionals. They send signals known as Wnt communications throughout
the body, getting bones and even nerves involved in the healing process. These are the cells that allow structures to reform. The bad news for
humans and most other mammals is that, outside of the time we spend in our
mothers’ wombs, we don’t get too many pluripotent stem cells. In fact, most of
the ones we are left with by the time we are born are in our hair follicles and
our fingernails... It’s all starting to come together now.
Scientists aren’t exactly sure why mammals seem so deficient in what are
obviously handy (no pun intended) bodily resources. Some believe that our fast
metabolisms that require constant food preclude us from hiding in a dark cave
for a year while our limbs regrow. Instead we have to stop the bleeding and get back to
hunting as soon as possible. Others believe that the complex body plans of mammals are too
complicated to be regenerated in the same way that seastars' body parts can be.
A few optimistic souls say this might just be a temporary state of
affairs. Sometime in the next few decades we may unlock the chemical
communication secrets of pluripotent stem cells and set to work regrowing our own body parts. However, until that day comes, I wouldn’t get too close to any