Researchers have discovered several species of transparent fish living in rivers beneath half a mile of ice in Antarctica where it was once thought nothing complex could survive.
Friday, 30 January 2015
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Teleportation: Is it a thing?
Science has two purposes, a noble one and a selfish one. The
former involves discovery to enhance our understanding of the natural world. We
conduct chemical experiments to teach us about how plants turn sunlight into
food and how DNA modifies itself over time allowing one species to evolve into
another. The selfish purpose that
science serves is to give us cool things. Science is what allows us to take
planes across countries and carry computers in our pockets. Some people
differentiate this role of science by calling it “engineering” or “technology,”
but it is all semantics. Engineers are just scientists that know how to make
One of the major areas of interest for these selfish types
of scientists is transportation. How can we move people and objects between
point A and point B as quickly and as economically as possible. The holy grail
of this branch of research is the idea of teleportation: moving an object
between two places without having to travel the space between. Imagine the
extra sleep you could get if you could teleport to work or school every
morning. Imagine how smog-free our cities would be if no one needed a car.
That’s a lot of imagining, but is teleportation a thing that
is realistically possible? Well, actually we've been doing it for a while... And by "we" I means scientists with massive budgets. It’s a new and growing field
of study but since 1993 scientists have known that on some level you can arrive
without travelling.
Right now the best we can do is “quantum
teleportation” involving photons and laser beams. The way it works is
through something called quantum entanglement. See, when two particles become
“entangled” they share information in a way that seems impossible. They move in
perfect sync with each other even if they are miles apart. Poke one particle
and the other jumps. Scientists have shown that they are increasingly able to
entangle particles in this way at will and that allows them to transmit
information about particles over great distances and even replicate an original piece of matter far from where it originated. In essence, they can teleport it.
There is a catch, though. In order to get the information
you need to generate the new particle in the desired location, the original
particle needs to be destroyed. It’s not even a philosophical problem involving
the merits of cloning… You actually can’t know enough out the original to beam
its essence across space without annihilating it. What that means is, unless we
figure out a new approach for human teleportation, each trip will amount to suicide
and reconstruction. The clone would have all your same memories, emotions, and
thoughts but that isn’t exactly in the spirit of things. Also, recreating the
particles even a millimeter out of place would lead to severe mental and
physical damage... A pretty risky proposition to avoid traffic for.
Quantum teleportation will ultimately be more useful in
helping us build the insanely fast quantum computers we learned about in our
discussion of Moore’s
Law a while back. Instantaneously moving information between two place
could lead to a whole new internet, free
from privacy concerns since the very act of trying to listen in on
communication between two entangled particles breaks the connection between
So where does that leave us in terms of human teleportation?
Well, one theorist has come up with an interesting idea that you might be
familiar with from a certain James Cameron movie. Biotech expert J. Craig Venter has
proposed the idea of scanning DNA and sending the information across space to
be recreated elsewhere. That means that if humans build a base orbiting a
distant star, we could send our DNA up to it and have clones get to work
running the place. From there, we just need to focus on scanning and
replicating the information contained in our brains and projecting that into
the clones, making them sort of like our, dare I say, avatars. As Discover Magazine put it, “That would
reduce the teleportation problem from “probably impossible” to “wildly
Friday, 23 January 2015
Sketchy Fact #77: Smarty Pants
Since scientists started giving IQ tests, every generation of people tested has been smarter than the generation before it. This is true all over the world and it is called the Flynn Effect.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
A Horse by Committee: Why Camels are Actually Amazing

You often hear that a camel is just a horse designed by
committee, meaning that the focus was on the details at the expense of the
beauty and functionality of the overall animal. Despite the fact that no animal
is designed at all, there are other reasons that this cliché is just dead
wrong. All those details evolved over millions of years to make camels almost
ridiculously well-suited to their environments (which, as we will see, vary
insanely) and have left these creatures with a capacity to surprise that is
beyond belief.
If you think you know about camels, odds are you haven’t
even scratched the surface (unless you are some sort of camel biologist). Even
the things the average person thinks they know about camels are just plain
wrong. For example, a camels hump doesn’t store water. If it did, humps would
jiggle around like elevated waterbeds with every step the animal took. In
reality, the camel’s most defining feature is a massive mound of fat that can
weigh as much as 80 lbs (41 kg). Having all their body fat in one place means
the rest of the camel’s body is super-efficient at shedding heat, a handy
adaptation to desert life. Their humps also contribute to their ability to go
weeks without a real meal. They can use their humps as fuel (which is all fat
really is anyway) and the longer they go without food, the more shriveled their
humps get.
So if their humps aren’t thirst quenching reservoirs, how do
camels go so long without drinking anything? As it turns out, camels are not
the arid-loving beings we all think they are. It is true that some camels can
go months without drinking water, but how they do it has less to do with
storage and more to do with economy. The camels that can go seemingly forever
on grass alone are the ones that are adapted to the cold
areas of the Mongolian steppe. Since mammals lose most of our moisture when our
bodies overheat, cold weather is a great mechanism to holding in water. As a
side note: scientists think that camels actually evolved
in the Canadian arctic before migrating to Asia during the last ice age. Camels
also have another wacky, water-saving adaptation that is far less obvious.
If you looked at camel blood under a microscope and compared
it to the blood of, say, a wombat or Bratt Pitt you would notice that the
camels red blood cells look warped in the manner of a Salvador Dali painting.
Camel’s red blood cells are oval (egg) shaped whereas most mammals have
circular cells. The cool thing about oblong blood cells is that they can keep
flowing easily, even when the liquid they flow through (plasma) starts to dry up. Their
blood cells can also expand to 240%
their normal size to hold water without bursting compared to 150% in most
mammals. In the end, the blood cells do the trick that most people credit the
humps with.
The other thing camels have going for them in terms of water
conservation is that their body temperatures can vary wildly before their start
to feel any stress. Humans start to feel sick if our core temperature
fluctuates more than a few degrees, but camels are comfortable with an internal
temperature anywhere from 33 to 40 degrees C (93 to 105 F). They accomplish
this with another amazing adaptation: the ability to cool their brains
independently from the rest of their bodies. Camels use their massive,
cavernous nasal cavities to cool blood before it enters their brains,
protecting neurons from heat damage. The veins in their heads are also located
right up next to their arteries, allowing the oxygen depleted (and cooler)
venous blood to absorb some of the heat from the arteries fueling the brain.
Finally, while we are hanging out in the camel’s head, there
is one last crazy thing we should check out before calling it a day. If we
manage to prop open the camel’s mouth without getting spit on (camel spit is actually
a mix of their stomach contents and saliva, used to ward of predators) most of
us will probably recoil in fear at the sight of what appear to be inch long
fleshy spiked sticking out of the animal’s cheeks. The inside of a camel’s
mouth looks like some kind of alien bear-trap, but those spikes are just
another awesome adaptation. The “papillai”
as they are called are just grotesquely enlarged versions of the same
structures that human taste buds grow on. For camels, they help direct chewy
food items like sticks and leaves to the stomach while protecting the cheeks
and throat from damage. When you live in the desert you have to take whatever food you can get.
Friday, 16 January 2015
Sketchy Fact #76: Asparagus Pee Paradox
Not everyone excretes smelly pee after eating asparagus and not everyone can smell the stinky compound is asparagus pee. This means that you will always sound crazy to some people and it is best never to talk about it... Especially at dinner.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Savior From The Soil: The First New Antibiotic in 30 Years!
Frequent visitors to our little corner of the internet may
remember that last April we told a semi-fictional story about
antibiotic-resistant bacteria entitled Curious
Geoff and the Antibiotic Resistant Superbug. The gist of the story was the
true fact that all over the world bacteria are becoming stronger and are better
able to resist the drugs we use to treat them. This is a serious problem given
that a new antibiotic drug has not been discovered since 1987… until last week
On January 7, 2015 the journal Nature published an article
by a group of researchers reporting the discovery of a new antibiotic. That
alone would have been enough to pique the interest of the science and medical
communities, but the authors went one step further in the boldness category and
called their article “A new antibiotic kills pathogens without detectable
resistance.” As boring as that might seem, in the world of medicine it is the
equivalent of calling your paper “Tyranosaurus discovered running surf school
in rural New Zealand”… Basically no one was expecting it.
The new drug is called Teixobactin
and in trials with mice it has been shown to effectively fight staph infections
and antibiotic resistant forms of tuberculosis. That is big news given that the
usual option for treating the latter is to prescribe drugs you know won’t work
and cross your fingers really hard. Better still, the new antibiotic appears to
have no side effects and can be given to mice in doses that make it practical
for human use. That is, it doesn’t take a barrel of medicine to get them
healthy again. Teixobactin works by inhibiting the growth of cell walls by
bacteria, giving the immune system a fighting chance against them off.
So how did these researchers do it? How did they break
science’s 30 year shut-out streak with regards to developing new antibiotics?
Well, it turns out that the method they used might be even more of a
breakthrough than the discovery of the drug itself. See, the thing about
antibiotics is that the effective ones tend to come from bacteria that live in
soil. The trouble is that we humans are pretty terrible at convincing soil
bacteria to live and grow in labs. In fact, pretty much every one of our
100 or so antibiotics come from the roughly 1% of bacteria that we can get to
grow in petri dishes. That means that 99% of the potentially world-changing
drugs that exist in nature have been unavailable to us until last week.
The researchers on the new paper developed a technique that
tricks soil bacteria into thinking they are at home when really they are doing
our bidding. The approach makes use of what the researchers have termed the iChip,
despite Steve Jobs not being listed as an author. It works by suspending
bacteria in what basically amount to mini-petri dishes with semi-permeable
walls, meaning some things can get in and out. Each iChip contains many of
these little bacterial prison cells and is suspended in the type of soil that the
bacteria usually thrive in. The result is that the bacteria have access to the
nutrients they need to grow, but scientists are still able to isolate the bacteria
from the soil for their experiments. This sneaky method of growing bacteria
might finally give researchers access to an incredible number of new drugs.
Now, a caveat: this does not mean you can disregard all the
advice you’ve been given about antibiotics. Teixobactin may be promising but it
is nowhere near the point where you can get it from your local pharmacy. It
still has to go through human trials, which could take as long as ten years…
but hopefully more like 5. In the meantime, we still can’t afford to prescribe
antibiotics willy nilly. Every time a farmer gives a healthy cow antibiotics so
it can grow faster, we give up a little bit of our edge. Every time you leave a
few pills in the bottle after you start feeling better, we lose some ground in the
war on germs.
Friday, 9 January 2015
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
The World’s Most Useful Table. Period.
On the first day of my first chemistry class in
grade 11 my teacher opened the lecture by assuring the group of 15 and 16 year
olds that sat worriedly in front of him that chemistry was nothing to be
feared. Rather than thinking about the subject as an incomprehensible branch of
science, beyond the grasp of the average person he told us that chemistry was a
language. The language of the universe, in fact. Chemistry is what we use to
describe the things around us in a way people from all corners of the world can
understand. The frightening chemical formulas that lay before us like C2H4O2
(vinegar) were words in this new language that we would be studying and
at the heart of this language was a unique alphabet: the periodic table of
The periodic table is one of those scientific concepts that
is so useful and understandable that most people can pick it out of a line-up
by name and give you a rough understanding of what it does. At it’s heart, it
is a list of all the known elements in the universe. An element is the most
basic form of matter. It is useful to think of elements as simple, irreducible
atoms. Each element has it’s own atom that is different from all the rest. If
you take piece of gold, for example, and cut it in half and in half again over and over until all you have is a single atom of the stuff you are free
to cut it in half again, but whatever you want to call the result, it isn’t
gold anymore. Likewise, not every material can be called an element. If you
look at a molecule of vinegar (presumably by squinting very hard) you will see
it is actually many atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen stuck together. Since
it doesn’t have a specific atom, it isn’t an element. The periodic table though
is so much more than a list of atoms. It tells us about the way those atoms
behave and how they interact with one another. You just have to know how to
read it.
The periodic table is useful because of the periodic law,
discovered in 1911 by Henry Moseley. Moseley took the existing period table
(assembled in 1869 by Dmitry Mendeleyev) and attempted to fix some of it’s
problems. The thing about the original periodic table was that it presented
elements based on their atomic weight (the weight of their atoms) at the same
time that it grouped them into columns based on similar traits. The trouble was
that in order to maintain the groups occasionally elements had to be presented
out of order with respect to weight. Moseley used X-rays to figure out that if
you sorted the elements based on the number of protons or electrons their atoms
contained (their atomic number), all
the problems went away and you had neat and tidy groups.
The columns of the periodic table describe these groups
(more or less). A few elements don’t satisfy all the criteria of their groups,
but are included because of how they react with other elements. A good example
is hydrogen which is in the column describing alkali metals despite not being
anything resembling a metal. The rows of the table tell you about the
reactivity of the elements included. Generally speaking, as you move left to
right on the periodic table elements get less reactive. The alkali metals on
the far left (and hydrogen) are the rambunctious toddlers of the family, closely followed by the alkaline earth metals in the second column. These elements are so eager to play with others that the results can be explosive, as
anyone who has ever dropped a piece of raw sodium into a glass of water can
attest to. Elements on the far right are the older, more solitary fellows called
(appropriately) the noble gases. They know better than to go off causing
explosions so they are unreactive, which explains why we fill balloons with
helium (a noble gas) and not hydrogen.
The cool thing about the periodic table is that it is also predictive. Since the elements are sorted by the number of protons or electrons
their atoms have, occasionally there are gaps. If you know about 2 elements and
one has an atomic number of 12 and the other 14, you can be 100% positive that
there is one out there with an atomic number of 13 that you just haven’t
discovered yet. In practice, the gaps on the periodic table exist at its
highest numbers and the undiscovered elements are all radioactive and don’t
exist in nature for more than a fraction of a second at a time. Scientists discover them
in particle accelerators and if the International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry agrees that they have found a new one, they get to name it after a
place, scientist, mineral or based on one of its traits. That is why we have
elements with fun names like Einsteinium (atomic number 99).
So there you have it. A quick and dirty introduction to the
periodic table. From this easy and accessible alphabet humans have built atomic
bombs, air ships, and shiny necklaces. It doesn’t look half bad on a T shirt, either.
Friday, 2 January 2015
Sketchy Fact #74: Switching to a New Calendar
In 1582, the year the Gregorian Calendar came into effect, 10 days were erased from October to make up for too many Leap Years in the old Julien calendar.
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