Looking back at the history of medicine is usually an
exercise in presentism. It is supremely interesting and plenty of fun to learn
about the things that people used to think were medical problems (like
hysterical, disobedient women) and the treatments they came up with to treat
them (eye of newt, anyone?). The problem with presentism is
that we assume modern medicine is better than what came before it, but the
truth is, ancient doctors sometimes knew things that we have since forgotten.
Just as ancient cultures were often better as sustainably making use of the
environment than we are now, it should be no surprise that they were skillful
at treating what ailed them.
A perfect example of ancient acumen popped up earlier this month in
science news columns around the world as researchers and historians at the
University of Nottingham in the UK cooked up an ancient
brew to combat an infection that even modern meds have trouble fighting.
“Take cropleek and garlic, of both equal quantities, pound
them well together… take wine and bullocks gall, mix with the leek… let it
stand nine days in the brass vessel…” read the 1,000 year-old Anglo-Saxon text
from which they pulled the recipe. The potion was used to treat “stye,” otherwise
known as an infected eyelash follicle.
The bacteria at the heart of the infection is known today as
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA). The key thing to note in that name is “methicillin-resistant,”
meaning that the bacteria are of the sort that we learned about last year in
our semi-fictional story about Curious
Geoff and the Antibiotic-Resistant Superbug. So if our most powerful
antibiotics today have a tough time with MRSA, how did the ancient remedy fair?
As you might have guessed based on the existence of this
article, the answer is pretty damn well. It should be noted that the
researchers needed to make a few modern revisions to the recipe. Garlic
and leeks have changed a lot since the 9th century and brass vessels
are both expensive and difficult to keep sterile (the researchers ended up
using glass bottles with pieces of brass immersed in the other ingredients). In
the end, however, the tweaks didn’t seem to reduce the effectiveness of their
medieval gunk. The concoction killed 90% of MRSA bacteria, the same proportion
as the conventional treatment that doctors use today to treat infections, called
This isn’t the first time we have rediscovered an ancient medical
treatment that rivals modern scientific wizardry. Artemisinin, a
potent drug in the treatment of malaria was discovered by the Chinese military in the 1970's as they combed through ancient texts looking for treatments they could use to keep
their Vietnamese allies healthy as they fought a war with the US. We also still use leeches to
help relieve patients of infected blood. What this most recent discovery means,
however, is that we might be able to pinpoint why it kills resistant bacteria and use that
knowledge to develop treatments for other antibiotic-resistant infections.
As bacteria continue to evolve resistance to our best
treatments, we will need all the help we can get. Some of the answers will
likely come from nature as get
better at making use of plants, soil bacteria, fungi, etc. But as
counterintuitive as it might seem as we ponder the future of medicine, it
occasionally pays to look deep into the past. You never know what you might
discover if you keep an open mind.
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