The Earth is home to 260 species of monkey and over 350,000 species of beetle. As JBS Haldane once said, “If The Creator exists, he has an inordinate fondness for beetles.”
Friday, 29 May 2015
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Opah! Warm blooded fish derails conventional science

A great example of how biology tends to split up animals is the study of thermoregulation, or how animals control their body heat.
Although there are animals that exists across a spectrum of temperature
controlling abilities we tend to lump all the life on our planet into one of
two buckets: warm blooded or cold blooded. Cold blooded animals (also called
ectotherms) use forces outside their body (mainly the sun) to regulate their
metabolisms. If they need to speed things up, they go lay in the sun for a
while. When they begin to overheat, they go lay in the shade. Warm blooded
animals, by contrast, can use internal forces like muscle contraction and
widening or narrowing blood vessels to keep things in check, regardless of
whether or not the sun is shining.
Generally speaking, the warm blooded camp includes mammals
and birds and team cold-blood includes
everything else. The upshot is that since humans are warm blooded mammals and
we are the ones who publish the bulk of the scientific papers on this planet,
cold bloodedness tends to get spun as being “less advanced.” Fortunately,
science builds its understanding of things over time and recent research is
beginning to demonstrate that things aren’t quite as neat and tidy as some of
us wish they were.
Fish, for example, are the quintessential primitive, cold
blooded animals. When they leave the warm and sunny waters near the surface for
a deep dive, they become sluggish as their bodies cool down… But not all fish.
On May 15, 2015 researchers reported in the journal Science that a fish
called the opah seems to defy this description.
The opah is a cool animal to begin with. It is roughly
circular in shape, with powerful looking fins. It is red with white polka dots,
and can grow to 90 kg (200 lbs) in weight and be about the size
of a car tire. But it turns out that the coolest thing about the opah is
that it isn’t really cool at all. The opah is the first fully warm blooded fish
ever discovered. Through flapping its fins and changing the way warm and cool
blood exchange heat in its gills, the opah can keep its body temperature 4 to 5
degrees C (7 to 9 F) above the temperature of the surrounding water. This gives
it an advantage in hunting cold blooded fish at depth and means it never has to
move to the surface to warm up.
Other fish like tuna and some sharks have been found to be
able to heat up specific parts of their bodies when gearing up to hunt, but to
avoid damaging their organs they eventually need to move to warm water.
The process used by the opah is actually pretty similar to
how humans stay warm when its cold outside. When our body gets cold it sends a
message to the hypothalamus in our brains, which acts as our internal
thermostat. The brain constricts blood vessels near the skin and in the
extremities to reduce heat loss (this is why your ears, fingers and toes get so
cold so fast). The hypothalamus can also use muscle contractions and hormonal reactions to
produce heat in the body.
Interestingly, the opah isn’t the only animal to throw a
wrench in the gears of cold blooded classification. Dinosaurs, in case you
didn’t already think they were awesome, defy conventional categorization and
have forced scientists to create a third label “mesotherms”
to explain how they regulated heat. The trouble with dinosaurs is that there
aren’t any around to study, but by looking at growth rates compared to how much
energy is burned in living animals, scientists have been able to piece together
how dinosaurs bodies might have worked.
They lie in between cold bloodedness and warm bloodedness… More akin to tuna
than lizards.
So once again the human urge to lump things into groups is
thwarted by the complexity of nature. Just another reason why the guys who
wrote the biology texts in the 19th century should have been more afraid
of sharks and dinosaurs.
Friday, 22 May 2015
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
How to Find an Alien Race

One of the key pieces of the argument for the existence of
aliens has long been the fabled Drake
Equation created by astronomer Francis Drake in 1961 to help encourage
investment in SETI (the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). The drake
equation basically takes the huge number of planets and stars that we think
exist and whittles it down to a conservative estimate of the number of alien
civilizations. It takes into account six variables: the rate of star formation
in the galaxy you are looking at, the fraction of stars that form planets, the
number of planets that could support
life, the probability that life actually emerges on one of these planets,
the probability that intelligent life
evolves, the probability that one of these civilizations develops a way to
communicate with us and finally the length of time that a civilization like
that is likely to exist.
Basically it is a lot of multiplying down that gives an
estimate that there are around 12,000 civilizations capable of communication
that should exist in our galaxy
alone. So how can we find them?
The answer might lie in a combination of the laws of
thermodynamics and something called the Kardashev
Scale. The latter describes three types of civilizations that can exist at
advancing levels of awesomeness. Civilizations are defined by the amount of
energy they use and include:
- Type I – Similar to Earth now. Some people have argued that Type I civilizations should be able to make use of all the energy produced by its planet (geothermal, wind, tidal energy, etc.). Based on that definition, humans have a Type 0.7 civilization, possibly reaching 1.0 in the next few centuries.
- Type II – Civilizations that can use all the energy produced by the star(s) at the heart of their solar system.
- Type III – Civilizations that can use all the energy produced by their galaxy.
While it may be fun to imagine what life would be like at
each level, all we really need to focus on right now is that each level uses an
insane amount of energy compared to the level before it. The thing about energy
is that is produces heat, and heat is something that we can see from very far
With that in mind, a group of scientists recently set out
the find advanced societies across a section of the universe. Researchers at Penn State
recently surveyed 100,000 galaxies using NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey
Explorer (WISE) – a very fancy telescope. They looked at the heat signature
from each galaxy and compared it to what you would expect if only natural
processes were at work. The idea was that if a galaxy is hotter than you expect
it to be, it might be because a civilization there is consuming a lot of
energy. What they found was kind of scary…
Out of 100,000 galaxies, 50 where in the “hotter than
expected” group. That is a very, very low number. Low enough that when they
look at those 50 more closely, they could quickly become zero. If each of those
galaxies is supposed to have 10,000ish advanced civilizations according to the
Drake Equation, why are things so chilly? Either we aren’t looking at things in
the right way or there might not be as much company out there as we thought.
Maybe it’s just me, but that is a lonely thought.
Friday, 15 May 2015
Sketchy Fact #91: Intergalactic Collision
Our Milky Way galaxy is in the process of colliding with the nearby Andromeda galaxy, which is approaching at 140 km per second. It is currently 2.5 million light years away and is the furthest object in the night sky you can spot with the naked eye.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Sinkholes: Nature’s most awful trick

Anyone who regularly watches the news has at some point seen
footage of the geologic event known as a sinkhole
and it probably boggled their mind. The picture is usually the same: a busy
street in the middle of an urban area punctuated by a massive, seemingly
bottomless hole in the ground, the black maw swallowing any light
foolish enough to fall on it. Sinkholes that form suddenly to suck up a
building or car are scary things. They often occur without much warning and if
you are the unlucky sap driving over top when one decides to open up, there
really isn’t much you can do about it.
Sinkholes form because of the layered nature of the Earth’s
crust. Ask any kid with a shovel and they will explain that as you dig down
into our planet, you will encounter various layers. To keep things
relatively simple let’s focus on two key ones: the top bit we all know and
love comprised of sand, soil, clay and the odd rock (occasionally and
unceremoniously called “overburden”) and the layer of more solid rock beneath
it called bedrock.
Bedrock can be made from any number of different types of
stone, some extremely hard and tough and others that are more porous and
relatively weak. Weaker forms of bedrock generally include things like salt,
gypsum, limestone or dolomite. While you certainly wouldn’t want to bash your
head against a piece of limestone, it is pretty wimpy in the world of rocks.
Limestone and its kin are easily eroded by water that is even a little
acidic. As water works its way through the ground is often absorbs chemicals
like carbon dioxide that increase its acidity, allowing it to eat away at
If you’ve ever explored a cave or been to the grand canyon
you’ve seen what water can do to rock given enough time. Problems occur when
the overburden on top of a layer of eroded bedrock has a little rigidity to it.
Sometimes. seemingly solid ground we are walking, driving or building on is
really just a soft cap covering a gaping chasm of nothingness. When enough
weight is place on top of such a cap, or enough water flows through it to
weaken it, the whole thing can come tumbling down.
But the really unfair
thing about sinkholes is that they can sometimes form in places that we know
are solid. One particularly awesome example of such an event is what happened
in Louisiana at a place called Lake Peigneur on
November 20, 1980. The thing about Lake Peigneur is that it sits on top of a
massive salt deposit that is covered by a thin layer of soil. It also has some
modest oil reserves. With that in mind, in November 1980 there were two
industrial operations going on beneath the water: a salt mine and an
exploratory oil drilling project.
Unfortunately, the team drilling for oil made a
miscalculation about where one of the channels for the salt mine was. They
drilled through the soil beneath the lake and right into the chamber where
people were working. The men in the mine we barely able to escape before water
started rushing in through the 14 inch hole the oil rig had created.
Essentially they pulled the cork on the bathtub that was Lake Peigneur.
The thing about water, as we have learned, is that is can
dissolve salt. As the water filled the salt mine it ate away at the walls,
expanding the cavern. Over the course of a few hours the entire lake drained
into the ground, pulling the surrounding Earth down with it. The canal that ran
out of the lake into the Gulf of Mexico even changed direction, following
inland and creating a 150 foot waterfall (the biggest ever in Louisiana). The
pressure and displaced air even created a 400 geyser. It was a scene out of the end of the world.
The vortex of draining water sucked up barges and fishing boats until enough water had been pulled in from the Gulf to equalize
things, at which point everything that was sucked down popped back to the
surface. Nowadays if you go to Lake Peigneur you can see the chimneys of houses
that used to sit next to the lake poking out the salty water.
Keep that in mind next time to feel like you have your feet
planted on solid ground. Sometimes it’s hard to know what lies beneath.
Friday, 8 May 2015
Sketchy Fact #90: A Breath of Fresh Air
A 30 meter tall tree can produce 2,721 kg (5,998 lbs) of oxygen in a year. Enough to support two people.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Getting the Coal Out: Scrubbing the air in Canada's most populous province
Canada has some pretty strong stereotypes associated with
it. As residents of the Great White North, I and my partner in this illustrated
science romp we call Sketchy Science have endured decades of ridicule, usually
from our friends and neighbours to the south. In the end though, the
stereotypes are often things to be proud of. Canada is usually depicted as an
untamed wilderness of adventure and possibility. Unfortunately, like any other
first world country, Canada is mostly an urban place. Sure our large land area
and small population result in vast forests and mountain ranges, but that is
largely because 81% of us live in cities.
The thing about those cities is that they are the perfect
counterpoint to the nature we are known for. They are made of concrete and
glass and are anything but pristine. Nowhere has that historically been more
true than in the city of Toronto, also referred to as “The Big Smoke” because
of its tendency to be so smoggy that the very young and very old are often warned to
stay indoors. At least, that used to be true. For the past decade, changes have
been underway in Canada’s most populous city (It’s not the capital. If you
think it is, you have some Googling to do.) Actually those changes have been
happening across the province of Ontario, and the results are pretty amazing.
Air pollution is a tricky thing to tackle. In a world where people treat their cars as members of the family and think of electricity as magic light
that comes from holes in the wall it is tough to make a direct connection to
the atmosphere and the air we breath. The truth is, it is all connected. Our
cars burn gasoline and throw particles of soot, sulfur compounds and all kinds
of other junk into the air (nevermind climate altering greenhouse gases). Even
electricity contributes to the problem. Ontario may rely on hydroelectricity
for a good chunk of its power, but historically coal was the name of the game.
Coal power plants treat the air like a landfill.
The problem with air pollution is that it is terrible for
human health. Research has shown that the common compounds found in the air of
polluted cities can
lead to minor upper respiratory irritations, chronic respiratory problems, heart
disease, lung cancer, acute respiratory infections in children and chronic
bronchitis in adults, aggravated pre-existing heart and lung disease, or
asthmatic attacks. Even the rate of asthma has
been climbing in North America as air quality has gotten worse. When we breath in
heavy metals and volatile chemicals they react with the tissue in our lungs and
throughout our bodies, causing inflammation and even impacting
DNA expression.
It was with that in mind that politicians in Ontario made a
bold move back in 2002. At the time, the province was home to 5 coal powered
plants including the Nanticoke
Generating Station, the largest coal plant in North America and the largest
single polluter in the country, producing nearly 18 million tonnes of CO2 in
2007 alone. People in Ontario came together, put pressure on politicians to do
something about the problem and the response was a commitment to close all of
the province's coal power plants.
Over the next dozen years plants reduced their energy
production and eventually shut down. At the same time, the province invested in
cleaner energy like nuclear power, biofuels, solar and wind. In 2014 the last
coal plant switched off its burners and the province was coal free. Since the
phase out began, people have been waiting to see what the effect would be on
air pollution.
They got their answer midway through April of this year when
the Ministry of the Environment released it’s annual Air
Quality Report. The research looked at four main components of air
pollution (NO2, SO2, CO and fine particles that can get
deep into the lungs) and found that the concentrations in the air had fallen
between 30% and 46% over the previous decade. In 2014, Toronto had its first smog-free
summer (0 smog alerts) in over 20 years. By contrast, Edmonton in the
Canadian province of Alberta – where investment in coal power continues to grow
– reported 25% poorer air quality than Toronto on its worst days despite having
one-fifth the population.
The lesson in all this is that one single policy decision,
supported by science can have a huge impact. Science and politics go hand in
hand and the only way to build a better, healthier world is to rely on the
evidence. Ontario is now working on passing legislation that will ban coal
power in the province forever as they continue to invest in clean energy
solutions. The future is looking bright in at least one part of the Great White
Friday, 1 May 2015
Sketchy Fact #89: Earth's a Planetary Lifting Bro; Got a Solid Core
The Earth has the greatest density of any planet
in the solar system, averaging 5.52 grams per cm.
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