Koalas are nature's sleeping champions. They sleep 22 hours a day, 2 more than sloths, and 4 more than comic illustrators.
Friday, 31 October 2014
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
The Worst Inventor in the World: The Story of the Ozone Hole
Saving the
world is a lot trickier than Bruce Willis makes it seem. The more we learn
about humanity’s influence on the processes of nature, the more we understand
that the earth is a very complex thing, full of dynamic and constantly changing systems. For that reason, people often end up confused and frustrated when we try to undo some
of the harm we have caused. Climate change in particular is enough to make
people switch off their brains and wait for a new topic. It is a big unruly problem and it
often seems like no matter what we do, we can’t fix it. However, recent
evidence from Antarctica is beginning to show that the changes we make can have
a positive impact on environmental problems
It all
began back in the 1930’s with a man named Thomas Midgley, an inventor who was riding high after his
creation of a new form of gasoline that solved a problem called engine
knocking. His handy solution was to put lead in the gas. Little did he and
everyone else on the planet know, but eventually his invention would expand the
amount of lead in the atmosphere (and consequently in the bodies of every man, woman, and child alive) so much that it would eventually be outlawed.
But back in
1930 everything was going well for old Thomas. Following his success with
tetraethyl lead Midgley took a job with General Motors, a company that hoped he could come
up with a chemical for them to use in refrigerators. Back in the early 20th
century your fridge was a pretty dangerous thing. The chemicals used to cool it were
so poisonous that a small leak could result in your whole family suffocating in
their sleep. GM had high hopes that Midgley could fix the problem.

However, along with leaded gasoline, CFCs would eventually
become the scourge of the Earth. As it happens, when CFCs get into the
atmosphere they destroy a chemical called ozone. Ozone itself is a bit of a handful. It is just three oxygen molecules
stuck together, instead of the usual two. At ground level, ozone is not your
friend. Your body confuses it with pure oxygen gas and binds it to you red
blood cells where it very swiftly kills you. Up in the atmosphere however,
where it makes up a 3 millimeter thick layer all around the earth
(about the thickness of 2 pennies stacked on top of each other), ozone is great. It blocks harmful UV rays from reaching the surface where they cause skin
cancer and sunburns.
developed nations cranked out CFCs at every increasing rates through the 50’s
and 60’s the chemicals found their way into the atmosphere in ever increasing
quantities. Eventually they destroyed enough ozone to create a massive hole in
the ozone layer that forms over Antarctica between September and December of each year.
The hole is isolated to the bottom of the planet because wind currents create
the vortex of super-cold air over the South Pole and cold air multiplies the
effect of CFCs on breaking down ozone.
something needed to be done before the entire atmosphere was depleted of ozone and
we were all dying from cancer. In 1987 leaders from nations all over the world
came together and drafted the Montreal Protocol, a document that would phase out
the use of CFCs across the world. The agreement was reinforced in 1997 with
the Kyoto protocol. The people of the world crossed their fingers and hoped for
the best.
So what was
the result? Well, in 2012 measurements of the ozone hole revealed that it was the smallest
it had been in over a decade. The ban on CFCs is actually working in ways we
can see on time scales we can comprehend. In the world of environmental
science, that is a slam dunk. Scientists estimate that by the middle of this
century ozone levels will rebound to where they were in the 1960’s and the
ozone hole should be completely gone sometime in the next 20 years.
To put a
slight downer on an otherwise happy ending, it is possible that the shrinking
of the hole we are observing is due to warmer air temperatures caused by climate change mitigating
the ability of CFCs to break down ozone, but the effect is larger than you
would expect from that alone. The news is still good.
The lesson
to take away from the patching of the ozone hole (aside from not hiring Thomas
Midgley to do anything ever again) is that we can make a difference. When humanity puts its mind to something, we
are able to get it done. We should all go out for a beer to celebrate and then
get to work eliminating fossil fuels.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Sketchy Fact #64: The Clap
Gonorrhea bacteria can pull 100,000 times their own weight, making them the strongest creatures on Earth relative to body size.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Epidemiology: How to know when things are safe and when they R-naught

Where do diseases come from?
How can a
disease like ebola suddenly burst onto the world’s stage? When you stop and
think about it, it doesn’t make a lot of sense. If ebola is so deadly and is
able to spread from person to person the way it has been for the past 10
months, why isn’t it something that is always going on? Well, in the case of
ebola and many other diseases that harm people, the reason is that diseases
have reservoirs where they hide out between epidemics.
When I say "reservoir" I don’t
mean that there is a dam somewhere and behind it is a churning green soup of
ebolavirus. Disease reservoirs are animals that viruses can live within without
causing any ill effects. In the case of ebola, the reservoir is thought to be
fruit bats. The reservoir for influenza is sea birds. The reservoir for plague
is fleas. Every animal out there is a potential host for the next horrifying pandemic. Every so often humans come into contact with these animals in a way
that allows diseases to jump into our bodies, this is called a spillover.
For more on that, check out this great book published last year by David
Quammen. Diseases that spread this way, from animals to people are called
zoonoses (plural of zoonosis) and they make up most diseases you can name.
How do diseases spread?
The spread
of a disease through a group of people depends on a number of things.
Epidemiologists bring a few different factors together to present that
information in a neat and tidy number they call R0 (pronounced
“R-naught” because being British is fun). In its simplest terms R0 is
the average number of healthy people that a sick person will infect while they have
the disease. Ebola has the same R0 as
hepatitis C: 2.
That means that if I had ebola I could expect to infect 2 new people before I
either died or was cured, maybe my wife and my doctor, or a doctor and a nurse. Either way, a couple of you suckers are going down with me. R0’s of other notable viruses include 4 for HIV and SARS, 10 for
mumps, and a whopping 18 for measles.
R0 depends on a few
different things:
the probability of infection after being exposed to an infected person, the
average rate of contact between infected and susceptible people (some people will be naturally immune), and how long
the disease is contagious for. What is working against ebola’s R0 are
the facts that the rate of transmissible contact between people is low (you need to be in
physical contact with a person’s bodily fluids to catch it), and the fact that
the disease is only contagious when a person starts to show symptoms (which
usually isn’t very long… because ebola kills too quickly). Diseases with higher
R0 are able to spread through the air or survive in water.
Why haven't we been able to stop ebola yet?
Aside from
the actual treating of sick people and coordinating quarantines and such,
epidemiologists are also disease detectives. It is their job to determine who
the first person to catch the disease was in an outbreak (the infamous "patient zero") and by
what means it was able to spread. The full story of the current ebola outbreak
can be found in Jeffery E. Stern’s article Hell in the Hot Zone, published earlier this month by Vanity Fair – it is definitely worth
The Cliff
Notes version is that cutting down the rainforest in West Africa brought people
into closer contact with bats, leading to the spillover. After that, the
international response was swift and well-coordinated, but it was not
communicated well enough. The problem seems to have been that the teams of
doctors and scientists in hazmat suits that rolled into the afflicted villages
did not tell the friends and family of patients what was going on in a way that they could understand and trust. All those
people saw was their loved ones being carried into tents by people in space
suits and disappearing forever. After that people got understandably scared of western doctors. They didn’t
report infections and the disease was able to spread at the same time that health care workers
thought the epidemic was slowing down due to the empty hospital beds all around
them. When the disease finally got to the point where it was impossible to
hide and people started seeking out treatment, it was too late.
is a very cool field of science that often goes unappreciated. There are
currently thousands of hard working people putting themselves at risk to
contain the situation in Africa, but they need more help. If intervention isn’t
stepped up soon, the rate of new cases of ebola is expected to rise to 10,000 per week, because even with an R0 of
2 the spread is still exponential. If
you are able, please donate to Doctors Without Borders, who are leading the fight against
the spread of the disease. Your money won’t only go towards treating the sick,
it will buy gloves and masks and proper equipment to help keep those doctors as safe as possible.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Sketchy Fact #63: We don't need roads.
If you could drive your car straight into the air at full speed, you would make it to outer space in a little over an hour.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
5 Organs You Don’t Need

1. Male Nipples
Let’s deal
with male nipples right off the bat. The only reason they exist is because even
the manliest man you will ever meet began life in his mother’s womb as a
female. When the developmental process gets started all babies, boy or girl, follow
the same plan. It is only later that male genes on the Y chromosome kick in and
plant the seeds of beards and all the rest of what makes a man a man. The result is that men end up with
a pair of purely decorative chest ornaments that serve only as a target for
adolescent pain-inducement before the brain is fully developed.
2. Coccyx
You may not
know it, but you have a tail. It is a remnant from when our ancestors used to
run along branches and swing through trees. Back then it aided in balance and
since then it has become essentially a 5th limb for some species of new-world monkeys, allowing them to grip branches and hang hands-free. That is great for the monkeys, bu all it is for most
people is a lump of fused vertebrae tucked inside the skin at the base of our
spines. For an unlucky few it sticks out and makes them self-conscious. It’s
only real function these days is as a dominant scrabble word.
3. Wisdom Teeth
In the land
of long-ago your forebears lived harsh lives. They had to chew tough meat
right off the bone whenever they could get it. They also had to catch that meat and
risk getting a few teeth knocked out in the process. For that reason humans
evolved an extra couple pairs of molars to come in later in life to fill in the
gaps. However, now that we have toothbrushes and the like wisdom teeth
generally do more harm than good. The
most joy they ever bring these days is to the friends of people who just had
them removed.
4. Erector Pili
Aside from
eliciting the occasional chuckle from less mature readers of science blogs, the
erector pili are another part of the body that serves no useful function. These are the organs that cause
your skin to get all bumpy when you’re cold or afraid. Back when we were
covered in body hair, they made that hair stand up to help us hold in extra warmth or to look big and mean. You may have seen an angry dog using its erector pili
to raise the hair on the back of its neck during a barking fit. Since humans aren't typically fur-covered anymore, the effect is a little less dramatic.
5. Plica Semilunaris
Our last
useless organ is so obscure that Microsoft Word thinks it’s a spelling mistake.
It is the plica semilunaris, more common called your third eyelid. It sits in
the inside corner of your eye near the tear duct and you can only really
see it if you pull your eye wide open. It used to protect our eyes while
letting us still see the world when our ancestors lived underwater. Watch a video of a crocodile about to submerge itself and you will see these transparent eye-covers in action.
Unfortunately, in humans they have withered to the point of uselessness,
although it would be really cool if they still worked. Built-in ski goggles
Honourable Mention: The Appendix
One organ
you may have expected to find on this list is the appendix; that small dangling
protuberance at the point where your small and large intestines meet. Granted
they do have a tendency to become infected and 1 in 20 people get them removed
with no apparent problems, but your appendix isn’t useless. Recent research has
shown that the appendix is a storehouse for some of the beneficial bacteria we learned
about in a previous article. The bacteria lie in wait until
things go haywire in your large intestine before riding to the rescue. If the
appendix were as useless as everyone used to think, it wouldn’t have hung
around the evolutionary toolshed for 80 million years and involved in countless
other species of animals. So give your appendix the credit it deserves… Unless
it gets infected. Then cut it out like a bad habit.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Sketchy Fact #62: PB&G
In a 1999 book, 250 of the world's greatest minds agreed that peanut butter has no effect on the rotation of the Earth.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
The Trouble with Tardigrades: The Trials and Tribulations of Nature’s Toughest Animal
Imagine for a moment that you are a hitman for mother nature. It is
your job to find and kill any animal she requests. Obviously some contracts are
going to be easier than others. Taking the life of a grizzly bear or a great
white is going to be a bit more challenging than ending a lamb or grasshopper.
However, even sharks and grizzly bears are easy targets compared to nature’s
toughest creature. Freeze a shark solid in a block of ice and boil a grizzly
bear and your job is pretty well taken care of, but do the same to a tradigrade
and you’re in for a long and frustrating wait.
You may not have ever heard of tardigrades, but they are everywhere you
have ever been. There are billions and billions of them in every environment on
earth. In fact there is a stout branch on the tree of life that contains
nothing but the 1000+ species of these little guys. A tardigrade isn’t a bacteria
or any other kind of those not-quite animals you hear about being everywhere either,
they are honest to goodness animals that you can see with the naked eye… in the
right light.
Tardigrades, also known as water bears for their resemblance to very
tiny pandas, are on average about 1 millimeter long. That is about the size of
the period at the end of this sentence. They are mostly transparent and have
eight stubby legs, each ending in an alien/bear/eagle like claw. They spend
their days sucking water off of moss and feasting on algae with their spear-like mouths. However, unlike most animals that live in
the land of the very small, tardigrades are actually kind of cute in a
monstrous sort of way.
They get their name from the Italian word tardigrada meaning “slow
walker” because unlike most tiny animals that dart around like Carrot Top on
PCP, tardigrades lumber around slowly and pretty clumsily, doing their
tardigrade thing. Tardigrades are a scientists best friend because they are
small and breed quickly. An individual contains about 1000 cells and has a
lifespan of around one year… Unless of course you subject them to the cruelest
kinds of punishment imaginable, then they will live WAY longer.
Indeed, a tarigrade is a very peculiar thing. Leave it alone and it will
lead a pretty uninteresting life, but if you freeze them, dry them out, cook
them, or expose them to radiation you had better be prepared to have your mind
blown. Tardigrades can withstand temperatures from 1 Kelvin (-458 F/-272 C) to
148 C (300 F). They can survive pressures 6 times greater than the deepest
point of the ocean and brush off a dose of radiation 1000 times greater than
what would kill an elephant.
When a tardigrade is thrown into one of these woefully undesireable
situations it pulls off an amazing trick. It can dehydrate it’s body by 97%,
converting water into a sugar called trehalose which prevents cells from
rupturing when they freeze or heat up. When they do this, tardigrades go into a
sort of hibernation, almost entirely shutting down their metabolisms. When
conditions improve, they simply rehydrate and go back to the business of moss
sucking. A tardigrade can survive in its hibernating state for at least ten
years but possibly for more than a century.
As if all of this wasn’t enough to bestow them with the honour of nature’s
most indestructible creature, tardigrades are the only animals we know of that
have survived the vacuum of space. In 2007 NASA sent a team of tardigrades
along with a few astronauts up into orbit. They opened the airlock and set the
tardigrades floating in space for ten days where they were exposed to extreme
cold, extreme heat, and intense radiation. Apparently the tardigrades just treated
this as a vacation because when they were brought back to earth they woke
themselves up from an extended nap and just went on living. A few even
This is all pretty amazing but why does it matter? We can get
jealous of tardigrades until the cows come home but it doesn’t help us much,
does it? Actually, tardigrades provide good evidence for a long held idea in
science called panspermia which is meant to explain where life on earth came
from. It is thought that life may have started elsewhere in the universe and
been spread by collisions with meteors. When a meteor hits a planet it sends
pieces of that planet rocketing into space and drifting through the void. If
creatures like tardigrades are tough enough to survive such a trip and land on
another planet, life might be a pretty common feature of the universe. Tardigrades themselves might even be an alien life form.
That is real gift that tardigrades give us. Through their survival of
nearly everything, including all 5 mass extinction events so far on earth,
through their uncountable numbers on earth, and through their ability to travel
in space tardigrades provide strong evidence that we aren’t alone in the
universe… And if you’re reading this in a mossy forest alcove you’re really not alone.
Friday, 3 October 2014
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
The Green Wall of China: How to Fight a Desert

This environmental degradation is not unheard of. Most people are familiar with the dust bowl that devoured over 4 million acres of the North American plains in the early 20th century. Those conditions were cause by exactly the same actions that have created the problems in China. Too many cows eating all the grass, the grass dying because of drought, top soil destabilizing because there are no plant roots to hold it all in place. Gradually the top soil blows away, with disastrous consequences.
So what can
be done to stop a desert once it gets to marching? In the US the answer came in
the form of a 100 mile (160 km) wide strip of trees running north to south
through the country which reduced the amount of dust in the air by 60% in a few
years. Since the 1970’s China has been hard at work building a forest of their
own, the Green Wall of China.
The scale
of the Chinese reforestation effort boggles the mind. While the UN estimates
that only 2% of China’s natural forests remain intact, the country plans to
plant enough trees to increase its forest cover to 42% by 2050. Over the past
ten years alone, Chinese citizens have planted over 56 billion trees. Each year they plant twice as
many trees as the rest of the world combined. So, is it working?
results, it turns out, have been mixed. While China is now approximately 20%
forest-covered those forests aren’t exactly as natured intended them to be. Apparently
planters in the north have relied almost exclusively on poplar trees, people in
the south have planted firs, and elsewhere forests are almost entirely eucalyptus. The practice of planting only one kind of tree is called
monoculture, and it is very risky business.
A forest
with only one kind of tree has a lot of the same problems as a baseball team
where everyone is a right-handed batter. In the short-run they might win a few
games but eventually they will come up against a left-handed pitcher and things will fall apart as we saw in our discussion of left-handed people. Likewise, a monocultured forest
might look alright at a glance but if a disease finds its way in which effects
one of the trees, it is likely to take them all down at once. This is exactly
what happened in Ningxia in northwest China when in 2000 a pest wiped out over a billion trees representing 2 decades of planting.
isn’t the only problem facing the green wall. While the poplars
protecting Beijing seemed like a great idea when they were planted (because of the
fast growth rate and toughness of the trees) they are now dying off because
they were all grown from cuttings, which have a shorter lifespan than trees
grown from seeds (30 to 40 years versus several hundred).
A solution
to the problem might, ironically, lie in a plant that China devoted much of its
energy to eliminating in the 80’s and 90’s called sea-buckthorn. Buckthorn is a
shrubby bush that grows along river banks and was previously thought of as a
pest because its root system burrows deeply into soil and is almost impossible
to remove. That, however is a horticultural perfect trait for battling a desert. Mixed
forests of sea-buckthorn and poplar have already shown a lot more promise than
poplar forests alone. It turns out that using China’s native trees rather than
ones chosen by planters might be the smarter way to go about things.
China is not going to be easy. The northern part of the country is a lot more
arid than places with successful reforestation campaigns like the US, Germany,
and Siberia. In order to stabilize the Gobi, China will have to learn quickly
that the solutions to its problems are more likely to be found along its own
river banks and in its remaining natural forests than in the policies of other
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